So, as you may or may not know already, I love to write. *though I must warn you I am a slow updater*
In fact, I have a WattPad flooded with Kirby FanFictions:

However, I do want to post some stuff on here, if I have the time. Usually they’re probably going to be just random tidbits of my mind, and may or may not be based off of my life.

If you have a WattPad, I’d really appreciate it if you could go check out my profile (linked above) and support my stories. 🙂 If you don’t, then that’s perfectly fine, and you can just check out my blog here. I also have a deviantArt, for those who were curious, and here’s the link to it:

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to update either for quite some time due to personal schedules… I’m hoping to be able to sometime soon in the near future.