Just a Bit About My Kirby Obsession
To be perfectly honest, I’m a bit obsessed with Nintendo Kirby and Meta Knight.

I mean, two adorable puffballs in Nintendo! How cute is that?!

One is adorable and lovable; the other is epic, mysterious, and sorta cute.

I should probably stop obsessing about them, huh?

^D^” But they’re so awesome!!!!

Comment down below if you like anything from Nintendo!

x3 I would love to meet another Kirby fangirl/boy or a Meta Knight supporter!

My Thoughts on Meta Knight
x3 Okay, yes, I am one of those Meta Knight fangirls who thinks he’s SO cute and SO epic.
And if you ain’t gonna like that hon, then I suggest you click another page. xP
What I would do to meet him… *u*
xD Just sayin’.

Well, after I watched the Kirby anime (yes, there IS one, go watch it), my whole perspective on Meta Knight changed. x3 He’s an epic, amazing puffball. I mean, I always thought that he was a neutral guy; y’know, one that’d switch from bad to good and vice versa depending on his sole opinions. Now I know he’s really just a misunderstood hero… >U<