
The Average Kirby FanGirl

My thoughts on mainly the Kirby franchise, as well as other miscellaneous comments.



Kirby at Nintendo E3

This article is long overdue, so many apologies for that.

But… along with many overdue announcements (saMUS IS BACK BABY), WE’RE HAVING A NEW KIRBY GAME!!!

For the Switch, might I add. :3 *snap*


Main elements I took from the trailer:

1. Introduction of partners again (back to the Super Star days).

2. COMBINATION OF POWERS!!! (Crystal Shards :D)

3. New and reintroduction of some old abilities (and the cameo of old friends from old Dreamland titles :3)


The hype for the Switch lineup has just increased. 🙂



The snippets of the soundtracks they played during the trailer sound great, and I’m loving this new concept of a “3D” world for Kirby to experiment with. 🙂 Hopefully they delve more into that in future Kirby games! -^^-

Kirby’s 25th Anniversary Rundown

Trying to find information about special things coming up in celebration of Kirby’s 25th Anniversary that happened recently? Wanting to read the 25th anniversary page but don’t know Japanese?

(Well no fear! You’re not alone; I don’t know Japanese either, we can sulk together)

Here’s a rundown of things that have been happening in honor of Kirby’s 25th anniversary this year!

New Merchandise

Yes, we’ve been having a great influx of new Kirby merchandise! 😀 Unfortunately, most of it only seems to be available in convenience stores, etc. in Japan for the time being. However, there is the hope that it will be available to worldwide consumers with the aid of online delivery services, so keep your fingers crossed!

(praying for those delivery services)

Prominent New Items:

  • Warp Star Headphones
  • Image result for kirby warp star headphones
  • Kirby Pupupu Train Merchandise
  • Kirby Watch Set
    • Includes a watch and key ring
    • Around $230
  • Kirby Ichiban Kuji (Sweet Party) merchandise

There are also an assortment of Kirby cups, bags, and different-sized and styled Kirby plushies now available.

(life-sized Kirby plushie here I come)

Almost forgot to mention, there’s also Kirby lingerie, which may or may not interest some of you. Won’t be posting a picture here.

Orchestra Concert


Yes, you read that right! Kirby orchestra concerts were held in various locations in Japan. The set list was among the lines of this:

(thanks to Twitter for the image)

Part 1:
Kirby Grand Opening
Kirby’s Adventure Medley
King Dedede and Meta Knight “Tag Medley”
Kirby’s Dream Land 2 Friend Medley
Kirby’s Dream Land 3 and 64 Medley
Kirby Super Star Medley

Part 2:
Kirby Air Ride Medley
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror & Squeak Squad Medley
Kirby “Became a Ball” Medley
Kirby Triple Deluxe Medley
Kirby Planet Robobot Medley
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Medley

There were also a few notable boss themes thrown in, such as Zero Two’s theme, King Dedede’s theme, and Meta Knight’s Revenge, as well as the Haltmann Company theme (oh, Susie).

(thanks to MrSaturn99 on NeoGAF forums for that information)

It appears that badges, cups, a shirt, a towel, wash tape, a tote bag, and a Kirby conductor plushie were also given out/ sold in celebration of the concerts. (all of which were Kirby orchestra concert themed)

(The main Kirby characters play instruments confirmed. :3)

(Awh, those star-shaped notes. Wonder what it would sound like played?)

(And of course, the “conductor” himself)

Masahiro Sakurai also went into detail about the development process of some Kirby games such as Kirby’s Dream Land and the origin of Kirby’s victory dance. Not much of it has been translated yet from Japanese, so unfortunately, us non-Japanese speakers will have to bide our time.

New Games

Although Nintendo hasn’t announced any new Kirby games on the Switch quite yet (insert sad Kirby face), there have been three developments for the 3DS.


Three, to be exact.

  1. Kirby’s Blowout Blast
  2. Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
  3. A future 3DS Kirby game for the holidays

Team Kirby Clash Deluxe has already been released on the 3DS eShop, and it’s free! However, micro-transactions for Gem Apples do cost money.

(This post will be updated as I uncover more information!)


A Kirby’s 25th Anniversary Mini Tribute

Happy birthday, Kirby! 😀

To the little puff who caught my heart from childhood

To the brave pink soul who chased away the nightmares from Dreamland

To the lil’ ball o’ fluff who keeps a smile on his face throughout all the tough times

To the round warrior who reaches for the stars

To the bright child who lends a hand to those fallen

To a special someone who has stuck by me all these years

And gave me smiles during the darkest of times

Happy 25th birthday, Kirbs. 🙂 I’m glad you’ve hung around for all these years, eating food and doing what you do best: following your dreams. -^^-

Today’s Generation

Okay, I have to admit, this post is a bit outside of what I usually talk about [music, video games, cartoons, to name a few], but I keep seeing comments about this, and so I felt motivated to respond to it.

Why is it that the teenagers of today are always looked down upon?

I know that we teenagers do some pretty stupid things from time to time, but admit it: you did some pretty idiotic things when you were a teenager too, right?

It’s just part of being a teenager. Not all teenagers are obsessed with social media, not all teenagers try to conform themselves to fit the norm, and those who do… why would they be at fault? It’s just us trying to find who we are, us trying to see what’s right for us.

Being “fake”? Maybe we’re just scared of being shunned or we don’t know who we really are yet.

Being “indecent”? What is indecent? And why is it in your business to judge us like that?

Not knowing the effort our parents give to care for us?

Not all teenagers take everything for granted. I know I don’t. I feel guilty every day for not putting in my fair share of money into the house rent, for not working, for studying when I feel like I should be out there earning money.

And those that do will eventually learn. After all, weren’t you once like that too?

Stop stereotyping the majority of today’s teenagers, and please, stop judging us. Once you get to know us, you’ll find that you were totally wrong.



On Identity

So, I’m currently on break right now, and so far, I’ve been contemplating a lot of my decisions and stuff. I’m not sure where my future will take me, nor am I confident about my passions, and I just don’t really know where life will take me at this point. It’s just been one heck of a rollercoaster ride this year (with many ups and downs), and right now I’m typing this with some chocolate wrappers lying next to my laptop. (whoops)

Looking at my past posts (not very many, unfortunately) and my previous stories and other stuff, I’ve just come to realize how much I’ve changed over the past few months, and how much more I have to go. Sometimes I just sit and wonder about who I was, and who I might be in the future. Will I be a whole new person? What about my friends? My family? Will they change too?

I don’t really know the answers to these questions, so I just end up sitting for a couple more hours (yippee) with growing anxiety eating away at my insides, and then of course, I open up my laptop, and now here I am.

(Sorry, I’m just rambling and stuff. This is probably the first legit blog post I’ve made in quite a while.Wow. That’s… wow. I’ve neglected this thing for some time, huh.)

I’m not sure if anyone will read this and relate to me, but if you do, then let us go binge-eat chocolate together and sleep our woes away.

*Or you could leave a comment too. I guess that works just as well. XP*

Well, I am in dire need of finished essays and work, so au revoir, my fellow Waddle Dees!

*I sincerely hope I used the correct French term. Please tell me I did. XP*


-The Average Kirby FanGirl

How Time Flies

Dang, it’s been 5 months since my last post… That’s…uh. Not good.


Sorry about being so inactive! I’ve had a big workload lately, and right now is a rare moment where I’m sorta able to catch my breath before diving back into it again.

[… Dang, I like that analogy.^^^ Makes me think about swimming in the ocean.]

AHAHA sorry, I’m pretty weird. But then again, I’ve always been weird, haven’t I? ^D^”

As of now, I guess I’m pretty good. I’ve gotten first semester over with, and school’s not too bad because of friends and stuff.

Just hoping I can survive this semester! -^^-


How are you guys doing? Leave me a message in the comments! 🙂

Stress, much?

School is REALLY laying on the stress as of now… I feel a sinking pit in the bottom of my stomach all the time now, and it feels absolutely horrible…

Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Kirby’s Return to Dreamland ending. Just… perfect. 🙂

I hate all of this worry… If anyone has any good way of ridding stress other than binge-watching anime or Adventure Time or something, PLEASE comment below.

Otherwise, until next time!

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Okay, just a clarification: I haven’t gotten the game yet, but I REALLY hope to in the future.

So the evaluations I took were based off of YouTube and trailers and the website.

Visuals look amazing, storyline seems cool, and the music.


I- it’s incredible. Hands down, best Kirby remixes to date.

I can’t stop listening to them. It’s pretty addicting.

If you haven’t listened to it, just take a moment and search up “rainbow curse music” on YouTube. You won’t regret it.

Well, that’s all I have to say for now, so signing off!

-The Average [Kirby] Fangirl

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