Okay, I have to admit, this post is a bit outside of what I usually talk about [music, video games, cartoons, to name a few], but I keep seeing comments about this, and so I felt motivated to respond to it.

Why is it that the teenagers of today are always looked down upon?

I know that we teenagers do some pretty stupid things from time to time, but admit it: you did some pretty idiotic things when you were a teenager too, right?

It’s just part of being a teenager. Not all teenagers are obsessed with social media, not all teenagers try to conform themselves to fit the norm, and those who do… why would they be at fault? It’s just us trying to find who we are, us trying to see what’s right for us.

Being “fake”? Maybe we’re just scared of being shunned or we don’t know who we really are yet.

Being “indecent”? What is indecent? And why is it in your business to judge us like that?

Not knowing the effort our parents give to care for us?

Not all teenagers take everything for granted. I know I don’t. I feel guilty every day for not putting in my fair share of money into the house rent, for not working, for studying when I feel like I should be out there earning money.

And those that do will eventually learn. After all, weren’t you once like that too?

Stop stereotyping the majority of today’s teenagers, and please, stop judging us. Once you get to know us, you’ll find that you were totally wrong.