So, I’m currently on break right now, and so far, I’ve been contemplating a lot of my decisions and stuff. I’m not sure where my future will take me, nor am I confident about my passions, and I just don’t really know where life will take me at this point. It’s just been one heck of a rollercoaster ride this year (with many ups and downs), and right now I’m typing this with some chocolate wrappers lying next to my laptop. (whoops)

Looking at my past posts (not very many, unfortunately) and my previous stories and other stuff, I’ve just come to realize how much I’ve changed over the past few months, and how much more I have to go. Sometimes I just sit and wonder about who I was, and who I might be in the future. Will I be a whole new person? What about my friends? My family? Will they change too?

I don’t really know the answers to these questions, so I just end up sitting for a couple more hours (yippee) with growing anxiety eating away at my insides, and then of course, I open up my laptop, and now here I am.

(Sorry, I’m just rambling and stuff. This is probably the first legit blog post I’ve made in quite a while.Wow. That’s… wow. I’ve neglected this thing for some time, huh.)

I’m not sure if anyone will read this and relate to me, but if you do, then let us go binge-eat chocolate together and sleep our woes away.

*Or you could leave a comment too. I guess that works just as well. XP*

Well, I am in dire need of finished essays and work, so au revoir, my fellow Waddle Dees!

*I sincerely hope I used the correct French term. Please tell me I did. XP*


-The Average Kirby FanGirl